Can I request Channels, Movies & Shows?

Please note our policy regarding requests:

  1. Movie Requests: We do NOT accept movie requests. Movies are automatically added upon release in Blu-ray and are based on their IMDb rating. Please refrain from sending requests for movies.

  2. Adult Channels: We do NOT provide adult channels.

  3. Channel Requests: We are not accepting channel requests at the moment.

  4. Sports VOD Requests: We are not accepting sports VOD requests at this time. Availability is automatically updated upon availability.

  5. Request Requirements: Requests that do not meet our requirements will be ignored and deleted.

  6. TV Show Requests: We only accept TV show requests via our email address. TV show requests must meet our minimum IMDb rating and vote requirements. Requests are limited to three per user.

    • TV shows must hold an IMDb rating above 6.5 and have a minimum of 6,000 votes on
    • Before requesting, use the search function to see if the show is already in our system.
    • All new TV show requests will be answered within 10 days.

To request a TV show:

  1. Visit
  2. Search for your TV show on IMDb and ensure it has a rating of 6.5 or higher and more than 6,000 votes.
  3. If your request meets both requirements, email us at and include the IMDb link to the show.

Please do not email us regarding the availability of new episodes of existing TV shows in our database. They are automatically uploaded within 24-48 hours of airing when sources become available. Only email if five days have passed without the latest episode being available, and we will investigate further.

Example: (7.3 is the rating & 111,933 is the number of votes)

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.